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    Wednesday, May 30, 2012

    A PlayDate with BlackBerry SG.

    I was invited to attend an event by BlackBerry Singapore, organised by Edelman Singapore. Of course I was plenty excited about it, being my first BlackBerry event and all. It was aptly named “PlayDate”, which basically was an introduction to PlayBook OS 2.0. Of course, I do realise that PlayBook OS 2.0 was launched around 3 months ago. I updated my PlayBook within a few short hours after RIM officially pushed it out.

    The event took place yesterday evening at Ardent’s Cafe. A small bar with nice ambience just along Neil’s Road. I would think that this was not meant to be a launch event or whatsoever, but it was simply an event to promote awareness for the BlackBerry brand. It just so happens that the PlayBook OS 2.0 is the latest product RIM currently has to offer, plus it is the stepping stone towards the new BlackBerry 10 (BB10) platform that is up and coming later this year.

    As you can see in the picture above, they have PlayBooks just lying around for guests to play with. Meanwhile a television set, hooked up via micro-HDMI to a PlayBook dominated the main stage.

    I am not going to go through in detail what PlayBook OS 2.0 offers, you can check up review sites for that. What I am going to talk about is the unique proposition that the PlayBook offers when paired with a BlackBerry smartphone.

    When it comes to the ever so popular iPad, or Android tablets in the market. They are basically the same thing apart from a bigger screen. For me, the decision to use one over the other is simple down to the screen size.

    Whereas in BlackBerry’s case, the tablet actually becomes a complimentary device to the smartphone. You can connect (Bridge) your BlackBerry smartphone to the PlayBook, and control the PlayBook with just your phone. Hook it up to a television, and you have yourself an entertainment centre. Watch videos and browse the web on the big screen, listen to music over your home theatre system. All this while controlling everything from your phone wirelessly. Sounds good so far?

    When it comes to productivity, you can open documents, web pages, attachments on your smartphone on the PlayBook all with a single option in the menu. When you need to input text, you can simply use the brilliant keyboard on your BlackBerry smartphone (provided it has one) and type away. You get more room to see your document as there is no need for a virtual keyboard to be present on screen.

    To me, the selling point of the PlayBook is how it enhances the BlackBerry experience. Playing games, watching videos, browsing the web, and editing documents has always been a little underwhelming on a smaller screen, even on an iPhone. While, text editing on a full touch screen device is frustrating to say the least, especially when dealing with long paragraphs of text. This is where the bigger screen on the PlayBook comes in handy. This is where the BlackBerry smartphone with its brilliant keyboard and trackpad becomes indispensable. To me, its simply the best of both world.


    Of course, what’s a party without food and drinks.

    Concluding thoughts:

    The sentiments regarding the BlackBerry brand is not exactly bright and cheery at the moment in the news, plus with RIMM at an all time low. An event like this may not change that sentiment or cause a spike in their stocks, but it does show that RIM is definitely trying.

    The keynote at BlackBerry World a while back by Thorsten Heins (RIM CEO) got me psyched about BB10. There is no other word for it. RIM is now a company that is focused on bringing out the best BlackBerry experience that BlackBerry fans have come to love over the years, and more. The mood amongst developers and the morale within the company seems high, as if like they are on a mission. As if they are all going to be a part of something big.

    I am definitely hopeful about RIM’s future, and that the BlackBerry brand will live on. We shall witness the RIMpire Strikes back. (corny, i know)


    Now, I am just patiently waiting for BB Jam World Tour in Singapore on the 9th of July to arrive. (Of course, BB10 too)

    Let’s Rock & Roll this! ;)


    (credits to BlackBerry Singapore for the pictures)

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