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    Monday, December 3, 2012

    Mobile Affair

    Lots of things to be excited about in the new year. One of which, BlackBerry 10. 

    I have been device hopping for more than half a year, in the process, I have used WP, iOS (previously used it for a few years), Android (for a couple of hours), and of course multiple BlackBerry devices. By multiple, i meant like 13 different models of BlackBerry phone. 14 if you include their tablet, PlayBook. If you count the same models, when i have sold, only to buy back the same model later, it would probably bring me up to 30+ BlackBerry smartphones.

    That is a lot no matter how you look at it. I even had to call BlackBerry and speak to their technicians in Canada because I switched devices too many times, and appworld would not transfer my account to over to a new BB Pin number. You’re only allowed 15 changes per year, and i ran through it in months. Of course after that, I am more cautious about how often i switch devices. I have a bunch of purchased apps there which I really don’t want to lose. Most of them for the PlayBook, which I am hoping means that it will be there on my future BB10 devices too.

    Yeah, being such a huge sucker for mobile tech, I probably will be trying out multiple BlackBerry 10 devices if possible.


    On a side note, I’m now back on my first ever BlackBerry, the Bold 9000. I was previously on a Lumia 800, but the low call volume really turned me off.

    I can’t wait for this year to end, and for the next to begin. Counting down to BlackBerry 10. #TeamBlackBerry

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