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    Wednesday, October 9, 2013

    BlackBerry 10's UI

    Here’s a theory why BlackBerry 10’s UI hasn’t been well received.

    The iPhone started it all with the 1 physical home button. It got pretty popular as we all know.

    Then came Samsung. It kept that 1 single physical home button on the front of the device. People switching from iPhone would have less trouble adapting to it.

    Then as Android overtook the market, the 3 button configuration became something that everyone is used to.

    Microsoft came swooping in with windows phone. Keeping that 3 capacitive button that people on android are all so familiar with. A back and home button that everyone of us are used to. It didn’t take much adjustment really for Android users.

    Then came BlackBerry 10, which just decided it would take away all buttons all at once. It might be a nice way to do things, but it was too complicated I guess for the average consumers who have been used to having buttons to press.

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